COLONEL (Dr.) LEIGH A. SWANSON Colonel (Dr.) Leigh A. Swanson is the Commander, 10th Medical Group, and Command Surgeon, United States Air Force Academy. Col Swanson ensures healthcare for 4,110 cadets in addition to 21,090 active duty, retirees, and their families. She also oversees regional medical care for over 170,000 eligible beneficiaries and ensures deployment preparedness of 700 medics. Colonel Swanson entered the Air Force in 1994 as part of the Health Promotions Scholarship Program while she received a Doctor of Medicine degree from the Medical College of Wisconsin. She has served in a variety of assignments, to include deploying to South America, Asia, Europe, and Africa. As the JSOAC-N/SG and then JSOAC/SG, she was instrumental in providing medical support during Operation ENDURING FREEDOM, to include multiple high risk casevac missions and was on the first daytime landing for infiltration of troops into Afghanistan. Prior to her current assignment, Colonel Swanson was the Commander, 35th Medical Group, Misawa Air Base, Japan. EDUCATION 1994 Bachelor of Medical Science, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, Milwaukee, Wis. 1997 Doctor of Medicine, Medical College of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, Wis. 2000 Squadron Officer School, by correspondence 2000 Residency Training in Family Practice, Eglin Air Force Base, Fla. 2000 Aerospace Medicine Primary Course, Brooks Air Force Base, Texas 2004 Air Command and Staff College, by correspondence, Maxwell Air Force Base, Ala. 2005 Master of Public Health, University of Texas Health Science Center, San Antonio, Texas 2006 Aerospace Medicine Residency, Brooks City-Base, Texas 2007 Residency in General Preventive Medicine, Brooks City-Base, Texas 2008 Air War College, by correspondence, Maxwell Air Force Base, Ala. 2013 Master of Strategic Studies, Air War College, Maxwell Air Force Base, Ala. 2015 Interagency Institute for Federal Health Care Executives 2016 Joint Medical Executive Skills Institute Capstone Course, Washington, D.C. ASSIGNMENTS 1. June 1997-June 2000, Resident in Family Practice, Eglin Air Force Base, Fla. 2. July 2000-May 2003, Flight Surgeon, 16th Operational Support Squadron, Hurlburt Field, Fla. 3. May 2003-June 2004, Chief of Flight Medicine, 16 MDG, Hurlburt Field, Fla. 4. July 2004-June 2005, Student, University of Texas Health Science Center, San Antonio, Texas 5. June 2005-June 2006, Resident in Aerospace Medicine, USAF School of Aerospace Medicine, Brooks City-Base, Texas 6. July 2006-June 2007, Resident in General Preventive Medicine, USAF School of Aerospace Medicine, Brooks City-Base, Texas 7. July 2007-July 2009, MDOS Squadron Commander, Deputy MDG Commander, and SGP (Chief of Aerospace Medicine), F.E. Warren Air Force Base, Wyo. 8. July 2009-Aug. 2010, Chief of Aeromedical Services and Personnel Reliability Program for Air Force Space Command 9. Aug. 2010-July 2012, AMDS Squadron Commander and SGP, Holloman Air Force Base, N.M. 10. July 2012-May 2013, Student, Air War College, Maxwell Air Force Base, Ala. 11. July 2013-July 2014, Deputy Commander, 51st Medical Group, Osan Air Base, Republic of Korea 12. July 2014-March 2015, Deputy Commander, 51st Medical Group, and Deputy Surgeon, 7th Air Force, Osan Air Base, Republic of Korea (March 2014-May 2014, Commander, 8th Medical Group, Kunsan Air Base, Republic of Korea) 13. March 2015-May 2015, Commander, 51st Medical Group, and Command Surgeon, 7th Air Force, Osan Air Base, Republic of Korea 14. July 2015-June 2017, Commander, 35th Medical Group, Misawa Air Base, Japan 15. June 2017-present, Commander, 10th Medical Group; and Command Surgeon, US Air Force Academy, Colo. FLIGHT INFORMATION Rating: Senior flight surgeon Hours: More than 545 hours including 55 combat hours Aircraft Flown: AC130H/U, C12, C130E/H, C141, C21, C5, HH60, KC135, MC130E/H, MH47, T1, UH1H/N, UH60, UH72 MAJOR AWARDS AND DECORATIONS Legion of Merit Bronze Star Meritorious Service Medal with three oak leaf clusters Air Medal Joint Service Commendation with oak leaf cluster Air Force Commendation Medal Gallant Unit Citation Meritorious Unit Award AF Outstanding Unit Awards with Valor Device with three oak leaf clusters Combat Readiness Medal National Defense Service Medal with Oak leaf cluster Global War on Terrorism Expeditionary Medal Global War on Terrorism Service Medal Korean Defense Service Medal Nuclear Deterrence Operations Service Medal with one oak leaf cluster OTHER ACHIEVEMENTS Chief Physician Badge Senior Flight Surgeon Badge 2002 AFSOC Flight Surgeon of the Year 2002 AF Flight Surgeon of the Year – Malcolm Grow Award Board Certified in Family Practice Board Certified in Aerospace Medicine Board Certified in Public Health and General Preventive Medicine Associate Fellow of Aerospace Medical Association Medical License: Alabama EFFECTIVE DATE OF PROMOTION Second Lieutenant, Jan. 22, 1994 Captain, May 14, 1997 Major, May 14, 2003 Lieutenant Colonel, May 31, 2007 Colonel, May 31, 2011 (Current as of June 2017)