The 10th Medical Group at the U.S. Air Force Academy provides healthcare services to 65,000 beneficiaries, including support to the 4,000-member Cadet Wing. The group's primary goal is ensure wartime readiness and optimize the health and wellness of our current and future air and space leaders. The 10th MDG also serves as a referral center for medical, dental and other health-related services to more than 132,000 beneficiaries.
The 10th MDG Group originally began as the 7625th U.S. Air Force Hospital, Nov. 21, 1960. Its launch consisted of two floors of ward rooms, four operating rooms, two delivery rooms for expectant mothers, a well equipped pharmacy and a state-of-the-art admittance-procedure system. The facility also boasted a pediatric day room on the third floor.
The 10th MDG officially activated Nov. 1, 1994, when the 10th AiBW activated as the Academy's host wing.
(Current as of December 2019)