DOD lodging rates go up: cost of lodging at Academy to increase Nov. 1

  • Published
  • By Ray Bowden
  • U.S. Air Force Academy Public Affairs

U.S. AIR FORCE ACADEMY, Colo. -- A Defense Department policy change governing the cost of lodging across the military will have guests paying more to stay in lodging at the Air Force Academy starting Nov. 1.

Between September and May at the Academy’s Rampart Lodge, an overnight stay in visiting quarters will cost $77; a small suit $93; a large suite $94; and a family unit $82. Between June and August, visiting quarters will cost $105; a small suite $129; a large suite $130; and a family unit $113. 

According to a news report from the secretary of the Air Force earlier this year, “The rate adjustment is an essential step in the direction of the DOD’s directive for military services lodging programs to transition to a complete non-appropriated funds operations business model, eliminating appropriated funds support.” In other words, Air Force services will no longer be supported by tax dollars. 

Owen Davies, director of the 10th Force Support Squadron, said Air Force lodging rates are not determined locally, and the rate increase is within per diem for all locations and room types.

“The Air Force Services Center works with the secretary of the Air Force’s Management Office, using information collected from all lodging activities,” he said. “One goal of the policy is helping ensure the financial solvency for our entire Air Force lodging enterprise.”

According to the new policy, the rate adjustment allows Air Force lodging to better maintain its infrastructure and modernize Air Force facilities for Airmen and their families. One hundred-percent of the Air Force’s lodging budget must now come from fees generated through the nightly room rate. Individual Air Force installations are no longer allowed to set individual rates as these rates did not cover all the costs of lodging in the past, according to the Air Force report. 

“The funds generated from the increase will help us cost effectively modernize our Air Force, one of the priorities set forth by the Air Force chief of staff,” Davies said.

Seasonal rates have typically risen every year on or near Oct. 1 but this year’s increase was delayed for the new policy to be officially approved. The Pentagon-directed cost hike is designed to make lodging operations self-sustaining to save base commanders funds for other initiatives.