Pass and Registration Center, Kettle Lakes at AF Academy off limits to illegal parking, unofficial business

  • Published
  • U.S. Air Force Academy Public Affairs

U.S. AIR FORCE ACADEMY, Colo. -- Drivers who illegally park at the Pass and Registration Center and Kettle Lakes area at the Air Force Academy face potential citations and fines.

The parking lot at the Pass and Registration Center near the South Gate is for official business only. Drivers with suspended on-base driving privileges may leave their vehicle in the parking lot before entering the base for work and reporting for duty, but vehicles are prohibited from being left overnight or weekends in official business areas only. 

Unofficial business is prohibited in or near the Pass and Registration Center and Kettle Lakes parking lots, and unofficial business includes the sale and exchange of vehicles and any other property.

Drivers will not park their personal vehicles at and near the Pass and Registration Center and the Kettle Lakes area to access any trail on base. Parking at Kettle Lakes is for fishing only, and currently fishing on base is only authorized for authorized personnel with the proper USAFA licensing credentials and on-base residents with the appropriate licensing credentials.  People with extended parking, camping and RVs or mobile homes are prohibited at and near Kettle Lakes.

While we understand the desire to access installation amenities, these are difficult times and we seek everyones' cooperation. As harsh as it may seem, our security forces from the 10th Security Forces Squadron regularly check these areas and will issue citations, when and if appropriate.

Signs governing the use of the Pass and Registration Center and Kettle Lakes area will be posted in these areas to further inform the public.