Class of 2012 Graduation Press Kit

  • Published
  • By 040512

When They Entered on 26 June 2008:
1,642 were offered appointments
1,348 were processed into the Academy

Includes Internationals and Turnbacks:
78.5% or 1058 males                                                           
21.5% or 290 females                                                         
21.2% or 286 minorities (Excludes Internationals)       
49.2% or 664 pilot qualified                                               
16 International students                                                    

High School:
Average GPA: 3.86
Average SAT scores: 642 Verbal, 663 Math
Average ACT scores: 29.0 English, 30.0 Reading, 29.7 Math, 29.1 Science Reasoning

As They Graduate on 23 May 2012 (as of 15 May 2012):

Graduating: 1,073 will walk across the stage (Includes Internationals)
Men: 839 (78.2%) Women: 234 (21.8%)
Minorities: 231 (21.7%) 52 African American, 90 Hispanic, 84 Asian-Pacific Islander, 5 Native American
International Students: 14 (Belize, Brunei, Ecuador, El Salvador, Honduras, Korea, Madagascar, Peru, Poland, Senegal, Serbia-Montenegro, Singapore, Slovenia, Taiwan and Tunisia: Total international grads for all years: 295 + 14 = 309.
Average Cumulative GPA: 2.97
Attrition Rate: 289 or 20.9%
Sets of Twins: 3
Fourth-Child Graduates: 2
Third-Child Graduates: 4
Second-Child Graduates (other than twins): 60
Second Generation Graduates: 57 (includes 7 cadets, both mother and father graduates)
Posthumous Graduates: None

Graduates Going To Pilot Training: 490
Graduates Going To Combat Systems Operator (Nav) Training: 8
Graduates Going To Air Battle Manager Training: 2
Graduates Going To Remotely Piloted Aircraft: 29
Total Rated Officers in Class: 529

Service commitment: Graduates from the Class of 2012 who enter pilot training incur an active duty service commitment of ten years after earning their wings. For combat system operators (navigators), the service commitment is six years after successful completion of training. All remaining graduates incur a five-year active duty service commitment.

Total Graduates for all years:           Male                                                 Female                                    Total
(Including Class of 2012)                   39,594 (+ 839) = 40,433              4,327(+234) = 4,561              43,921(+1,073) = 44,994

USAFA Graduates Who Have Attained the Rank of General:
Number: 566 (220 Active duty, 338 Retired, 8 Deceased) as of 13 Jul 11.