Statement from U.S. Air Force Academy Superintendent, Lt. Gen. Michelle D. Johnson, on Dr. Mike Rosebush's employment at USAFA

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   We have thoughtfully and carefully reviewed the conditions and circumstances surrounding Dr. Michael Rosebush's hire and subsequent transfer to the Center for Character and Leadership Development and validated compliance with DoD hiring practices. We have found that at no time did Dr Rosebush's personal beliefs influence any professional decision or action taken in his position at the Academy. Further, we found that there have been no complaints about his conduct or professionalism. Therefore, there is no legal basis for either his removal or transfer and Dr. Rosebush will be retained in his current position.

   In addition to reviewing the individual's hiring and performance during his tenure here, we also reviewed whether the Academy could do a better job of encouraging diversity and a climate of commitment, respect and concern for one another. During the review process we consulted with cadets and others, in and outside the Academy, for diverse perspectives and concerns. It is clear that we still have work to do in creating an Academy culture that respects the views of all and encourages diversity. My response to this challenge is to continue to reinforce and foster a culture of dignity, respect and inclusion for all. To that end, I am launching several initiatives -- establishing a leadership position to provide oversight and integration of culture and climate issues. This position will focus attention on strengthening our institutional climate while working with other USAFA offices and agencies to eliminate negative sub-cultures and illegal activities and sexual assault. In addition, I have directed a series of panel discussions for our cadets, inviting thoughtful leaders and the best academics to help us create a better culture and climate transformation. We will continue to explore other initiatives that provide insight and solutions to the challenges we face.

   As we develop lieutenants prepared to lead in our Air Force and in our nation, it is critical that we have a safe, non-threatening environment for every Airman--cadet, faculty and staff--regardless of sex, race, origin, orientation, ethnicity, religion, language, culture or life experiences.

"The Air Force's Academy, producing lieutenants for our Air Force and our nation."