Freedom of Information Act

FOIA LogoThank you for visiting the virtual home of the US Air Force Academy FOIA Office. Currently we are experiencing an extreme backlog, however, we are working diligently to process requests. Please be assured that we are committed to continue providing FOIA responses as quickly as we are able. The Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) is an option you may want to use when the releasability of a record is in doubt. The FOIA provides public access to releasable records. It does not require agencies to do research, conduct surveys, compile or analyze data, or to answer questions.

Frequestly Asked Questions

Our Policy:
It is the policy of the Air Force Academy to make agency records available to the public to the greatest extent possible in keeping with the spirit and intent of the Freedom of Information Act.

Who May Submit a Request:
Under the Act, members of the public, including foreign citizens, military and civilian personnel acting as private citizens, organizations and businesses, and individual members of the Congress, for themselves or constituents, may request records.

How to Submit a Request:
A request for any records must be in writing and should indicate that it is being made under the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA). It may be mailed or delivered to:

2304 Cadet Drive, Suite 3700
USAF Academy, CO 80840-5001
Official Business

A request may also be sent via facsimile to (719) 333-0060, e-mailed to or click here.

Telephone requests will not be accepted. However, you may refer any questions on the FOIA to:
(719) 333-6231 or DSN 333-6231.

Contents of the Request:
The request should contain the following information:

  1. The name and address of the requester and a telephone number at which the requester may be reached during normal business hours.
  2. A reasonable description of the record sought. This will speed our response by assisting us in determining where to search for the record.
  3. A statement agreeing to pay any applicable processing fees. You may indicate the maximum amount you are willing to pay. If estimated charges exceed that amount we will advise you of the charges and ask your guidance on whether to proceed with processing the request.
Fees: Fees range from $20.00 to $44.00 per hour for search and review time and 15 cents per page for reproduction of documents on a standard office copier up to 8 1/2 x 14 inches. There is no charge if total processing costs are $15.00 or less. Fees may vary based on which of three categories of requester you fall in. Fees for each category are as follows:
  1. Commercial: Search, review, and duplication charges.
  2. Educational or non-commercial scientific institution or news media: Duplication charges only. The first 100 pages are provided free.
  3. Other: Search and duplication charges only. The first two hours of search time and first 100 pages of duplication are provided free.
Response Time: You can expect a response to your request within 20 workdays from the date of receipt in the Academy FOIA Office. If for some reason we cannot respond within the 20 workdays we will inform you of the reason for the delay and provide an estimated completion date.


USAFA FOIA Office Email

On-line FOIA Submissions

The FOIA Reading Room is available where the public may inspect copies of any previously processed FOIA in the FOIA Reading Room

Additional Information: For instructions on how to obtain information from the Department of the Air Force, and what type of information and records are available to the public, visit the Air Force Freedom of Information Home page

AF FOIA Handbook: The AF Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) Handbook tells you how to obtain information from the Air Force and the different ways to do so. It explains how to submit a FOIA request, where to send it, what types of information and records are available, and gives you our average response times plus additional information. It may be viewed in the AF FOIA Handbook



FOIA requesters who have any questions concerning the process of their requests with the USAFA FOIA Requesters Service Center should contact this center at (719) 333-6231. If dissatisfied with the response received from the center, you may contact the FOIA Public Liaison at (702) 696-6515 or e-mail