Class of 2021, 2022 and 2023,
Our team in AD wanted to give you several updates on the way forward for your athletic requirements for the remainder of Spring Semester and moving forward. This information is current as of March 18, 2020, and is subject to change based on local conditions and Health Protection Condition (HPCON). Our expectation is for you to continue to stay active and focus on your fitness regardless of your location. Daily activity helps relieve stress, contributes to overall wellness and it is a good habit to get into as you prepare for your future roles as officers. Getting outside and hiking, biking and/or running is a great way to work out and is low risk for coronavirus transmission. I encourage you to be creative. There is a lot you can do with what you have.
Our AD staff has developed suggested workouts that you can complete in any location. Workouts include warm-up/cool-downs along with daily suggested exercises. The workouts will be posted to Blackboard “AD Workout of the Day” in the near future. Reach out to your squadron RECONDO CICs for more information about these programs. The AD reconditioning staff is also available to assist you in developing workout plans based on your fitness goals.
Physical Education
All PE classes scheduled for G or H Gos during Spring 2020 for Classes of 2021, 2022 & 2023 will automatically be rescheduled for Fall 2020 or later. Specific information on when your classes will be rescheduled is forthcoming.
Fitness Testing
Spring Semester make-up fitness tests (AFT/PFT) will be administered at dates TBD after the wing returns to USAFA. Our ADPT staff contact you directly to schedule make up AFT and PFT once dates have been determined.
Athletic Department Facility use:
Hours of operation. Athletic Department facilities, including the CFC and pool, will remain open to cadets residing at USAFA only with adjusted hours:
- Cadet Gym/Fitness hours 0600-2000, Monday – Friday; 0800-2000, Saturday – Sunday
- Aquatics hours, 0700 – 1800, Monday-Friday; 1200 – 1700, Saturday – Sunday
- FAC IC Weight room 0800-1700, Monday – Friday, CLOSED Saturday - Sunday
Authorized Users:
- Limited to cadets currently residing at USAFA
- No DOD beneficiaries or escort of family members/friends
- All AD facilities are CAC access only until further notice
Rules of Engagement:
- Stay away from the gym if you are experiencing any symptoms (fever, cough, congestion, malaise, aches, chills, etc.)
- Keep at least a 6-foot separation from other people, plus no contact or team sports with close contact or proximity such as basketball, volleyball, football, Ultimate Frisbee, wrestling, racquetball, etc.
- Wipe down all equipment before & after use
- Cover your mouth when you cough or sneeze (cough into bend of arm, into a tissue, etc.)
- Avoid touching eyes, nose or mouth with unwashed hands
- Wash hands with soap and water or an alcohol solution frequently
- Open outside doors and windows to increase air circulation
- No more than 50 personnel in the CFC, IC weight room or pool at any one time (subject to change based on HHQ restrictions/directives)
- Pool guidance: Shower before entering the pool and one person to a lane
It is paramount that these ROEs are followed or AD facilities will be forced to close. Please consider using the gym during less busy times, 0600-1100 and 1800-2000, to avoid having to wait to access.
Uniform policy:
Cadets are authorized to spirit wear (Blue, black, gray, white, silver) for the week of 16-22 March. Cadets will follow the schedule of calls (SOC) UOD policies in the Cadet Standard once we return to normal SOCs week of 23 March.
- No spring cadet wing intramurals
- No Cadet Fitness Center Group Fitness Classes for the Spring Semester
If you have any questions about facility use, please contact the CFC at 333-0600/1342.
Stay safe and keep moving.
Col Anderson
Permanent Professor and Head, Physical Education Dept
Director, AF Combatives Program Center of Excellence
US Air Force Academy, CO