AFPC PCS Entitlements FAQ

Q1. What entitlements are authorized to Service members and dependents on Permanent Change of Station (PCS) orders to a Level 3 COVID-19 designated location who already out-processed, but were ordered to remain in place at their last Duty Station (PDS) due to Stop Movement provisions effective March 13, 2020?

A. Service members and their dependents under this situation may be authorized per diem in accordance with JTR Chapter 5, Part A. Service members and their dependents will be placed in an “awaiting transportation” status effective the date stop movement was implemented (March 13, 2020) until the stop movement order is terminated and travel is directed to resume. The MPF will issue PCS amendments to reflect “The service member and dependents are awaiting transportation due to COVID-19 Stop movement” to ensure proper payment. Note: If dependents do not remain in-place awaiting transportation, then per diem is not authorized.

Q2. What entitlements are authorized to Service members and dependents on Permanent Change of Station (PCS) orders and assigned to DoD installations, facilities and surrounding areas in the United States and its territories who already out-processed, but were ordered to remain in place at their last Duty Station (PDS) due to Stop Movement provisions effective March 16, 2020?

A2. Service members and their dependents under this situation may be authorized per diem in accordance with JTR Chapter 5, Part A. Service members and their dependents will be placed in an “awaiting transportation” status effective the date stop movement was implemented (March 16, 2020) until the stop movement order is terminated and travel is directed to resume. The MPF will issue PCS amendments to reflect “The service member and dependents are awaiting transportation due to COVID-19 Stop movement” to ensure proper payment. Note: If dependents do not remain in-place awaiting transportation, then per diem is not authorized.

Q3. What entitlements are authorized to Service Members and dependents on Permanent Change of Station (PCS) orders to a Level 3 COVID-19 designated location who did not out-process, but no longer occupy permanent quarters and/or Household goods were already pick-up and were ordered to remain in place at their last Duty Station (PDS) due to Stop Movement provisions effective March 13, 2020?

A3. Service members and their dependents under this situation may be authorized per diem in accordance with JTR Chapter 5, Part A. Service members and their dependents will be placed in an “awaiting transportation” status effective the date stop movement was implemented (March 13, 2020) until the stop movement order is terminated and travel is directed to resume. The MPF will issue PCS amendments to reflect “The service member and dependents are awaiting transportation due to COVID-19 Stop movement” to ensure proper payment. Note: If dependents do not remain in-place awaiting transportation, then per diem is not authorized.

Q4. What entitlements are authorized to Service Members and dependents on Permanent Change of Station (PCS) orders and assigned to DoD installations, facilities and surrounding areas in the United States and its territories and who did not out-process, but no longer occupy permanent quarters and/or Household goods were already pick-up and were ordered to remain in place at their last Duty Station (PDS) due to Stop Movement provisions effective March 16, 2020?

A4. Service members and their dependents under this situation may be authorized per diem in accordance with JTR Chapter 5, Part A. Service members and their dependents will be placed in an “awaiting transportation” status effective the date stop movement was implemented (March 16, 2020) until the stop movement order is terminated and travel is directed to resume. The MPF will issue PCS amendments to reflect “The service member and dependents are awaiting transportation due to COVID-19 Stop movement” to ensure proper payment. Note: If dependents do not remain in-place awaiting transportation, then per diem is not authorized.

Q5. What entitlements are authorized for dependents on a Service Member’s Permanent Change of Station (PCS) order who has an assignment to an OCONUS Level 2 COVID-19 designated location and are delayed from traveling concurrently with the Service Member due to Concurrent Travel restrictions effective March 13, 2020?

A5. The dependents may be authorized standard PCS allowances from the location where notified of the delay to the projected Permanent Change of Station (PCS), in accordance with JTR, Chapter 5, Part A. To be authorized these entitlements, dependents will be placed in an “awaiting transportation” status beginning the date stop movement was implemented (March 13, 2020) until the stop movement order is terminated and travel is directed to resume. The MPF will issue PCS amendments to reflect “The dependents are awaiting transportation due to COVID-19 Stop movement” to ensure proper payment of travel claim. Note: If dependents do not remain in-place awaiting transportation, then per diem is not authorized.

Q6. What entitlements are authorized to Service Members and dependents on Permanent Change of Station (PCS) orders who are ordered to temporarily return to the last duty station when stop movement was implemented?

A6. Service members will be placed in a TDY status and may be authorized travel and transportation allowances in accordance with JTR, Chapter 2, effective the date stop movement was implemented until the date stop movement order is terminated and service members are directed to travel. The Service member’s dependents who returned with the service member may be authorized standard PCS allowances from the location where they were notified of the delay in accordance with JTR, Chapter 5, Part A. The dependent’s standard PCS allowances will be terminated when stop movement is terminated and when the dependents are authorized to resume travel or remain permanently. The MPF will issue PCS amendments to reflect “The Service member was ordered to temporarily return to the last duty station and dependents accompanied the member to the last duty station due to COVID-19 Stop movement” to ensure proper payment of travel claim.

(Current as of March 19, 2020.)