Environmental Management

 Natural Resources

Information on the Air Force Academy Natural Resources Program is available at https://usafa.isportsman.net

 Environmental Planning
National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) mandates all federal agencies to give appropriate consideration to possible environmental impacts prior to beginning a proposed action that may significantly affect the environmental. NEPA produces require an early and open analysis of the environmental impact of a proposed action and any reasonable alternatives prior to making a decision or commitment of irretrievable resources.  This information provides installation NEPA personnel with requirements for accomplishing the environmental impact analysis process (EIAP), including the three major levels of analysis; categorical exclusion (CATEX), environmental assessment (EA), and environmental impact statement (EIS).  An EIS must be produced if a proposed action causes the potential for significant degradation of environmental quality or threat to public health or safety, public controversy concerning the environmental impact of an action, or potential for significant impact on protected natural or historic sources.  An EA may be produced before any contract for action is entered into or action is begun to determine if an EIS is necessary. All EAs must prompt either the preparation of a Finding Of No Significant impact (FONSI) or No Practicable Alternative (FONPA) or an EIS.  Many actions do not cause an impact to the environment because they do not physically touch the environment or they have a negligible disturbance to the environment.  Collectively, these actions are dealt with under 38 different CATEXs. The current information contained on the web site has been reviewed and updated but there will be an internal task to revamp, redesign and fully update all pages.   KLB 22 Nov 17
 Cultural Resources

The Academy protects and otherwise takes into account material expressions of historic and prehistoric (pre-1500 AD) sites, buildings/structures and other cultural resources across USAFA’s lands or otherwise effected by its mission needs. This oversight is required by a number of federal laws with the majority of attention required under the National Historic Preservation Act of 1966 (NHPA). The federal planning process of NHPA Section 106 in turn drives most such considerations, and it requires (1) federal agencies to take into account the effects their undertakings may have on cultural resources termed Historic Properties (defined by reference to the NHPA-associated National Register of Historic Places), and (2) the Advisory Council on Historic Preservation must be afforded an opportunity to comment on such undertakings. Section 106 is a “Stop-Look-Listen” requirement for the Academy’s leadership in making decisions that may impact Historic Properties. Stakeholders to the Section 106 consultation process include the State Historic Preservation Officer, federally-recognized tribes attaching importance to Historic Properties, and others including the public. Information is at An Introduction to Section 106 | Advisory Council on Historic Preservation (achp.gov). As the Academy’s core campus is a National Historic Landmark, additionally the National Park Service is consulted for that location. Section 106 planning process typically runs in synchrony with the NEPA (and Air Force EIAP) planning (see Integrating NEPA and Section 106 | Advisory Council on Historic Preservation (achp.gov) ).

The Pollution Prevention Act of 1990 act encourages looking at waste more broadly with a view towards reducing pollution. All pollutants are to be minimized and waste creation is to be controlled, not just during the production process, but also in the design of products that will have less impact on the environment while in use and after disposal. It is Academy and national policy to prefer pollution prevention, whenever feasible. Waste that cannot be prevented should be recycled, and waste that cannot be prevented or recycled should be treated in an environmentally safe manner. Disposal should be employed only as a last resort. 

 HAZMAT Management

Hazardous Materials (HAZMAT) includes: Chemicals, Dyes, Gases: compressed and liquefied, Pest Control Agents, Medications, Cleaning and Polishing Compounds, Paints, Varnishes and Related Materials, Preservatives and Sealing Compounds, Adhesives, Fuels (Solid), Liquid Propellants, Fuel Oils, Oils and Greases: Cutting, Lubricating, Hydraulic. The purpose of the HMP is to manage the procurement and use of HAZMAT to (1) support Air Force missions; (2) to protect the safety and health of personnel on the Academy and communities surrounding the Academy; (3) minimize the use of HAZMAT consistent with mission requirements; (4) and to maintain Academy compliance with environmental requirements for HAZMAT usage.

 Hazardous Waste Management

The Resource Conservation and Recovery Act of 1976, and as subsequently amended, established a "cradle-to-grave" system governing hazardous waste from the point of generation to disposal. RCRA hazardous wastes include the specific materials listed in the regulations and materials that exhibit a hazardous waste characteristic (ignitability, corrosivity, reactivity, or toxicity). The Academy, like other regulated entities that generate hazardous waste, is subject to waste accumulation, manifesting, and record keeping standards. In addition, the Academy minimizes its waste generation by using a hazardous material pharmacy to allocate and dispense hazardous materials on an "as needed" basis and requires all organizations to promote pollution prevention through reuse and recycling whenever possible.


Recycling is a series of activities that includes the collection of items that would otherwise be considered waste, sorting and processing the recyclable products into raw materials, and re-manufacturing the recycled raw materials into new products. Consumers provide the last link in recycling by purchasing products made from recycled content. Recycling also can include composting of food scraps, yard trimmings, and other organic materials. At the Academy newspaper, #1 &2 plastics, and glass are collected for recycle in dumpsters located in the Community Center parking lot. Plastic, paper, and aluminum and steel cans are also picked up in housing areas through the curb-side recycling program. For missed collections in housing areas, call (719) 867-9688. Household Medical Waste Management: The Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment issued guidance for disposal of contaminated bandages, used hypodermic needles, and unwanted household medicines. For a copy of the guidance, see the CDPHE website. For more information on recycling at the Academy, visit USAFA Recycles.
Household Medical Waste Management

 Toxic Management Program
Toxic substances include asbestos, polychlorinated biphenols (PCBs), lead-based paint, and radon. Toxic substances are contained in some existing Academy infrastructure components, including utility systems, buildings, and equipment. The Academy maintains historical records of toxic substances and maintains management plans for asbestos and lead-based paint. The primary challenge for Academy personnel is to identify where these substances are present and, when identified, to remove or abate them as required by regulation or policy. Affected Academy personnel are educated to minimize their exposure to toxic substances and are evaluated, as necessary, to determine if exposures have occurred. 

 Storm Water Management Program
Construction activities that disturb one or more acres of land are subject to the Academy's storm water construction general permit. This permit requires the completion of a project-specific Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP). The SWPPP describes site construction activities and best management practices that are to be implemented to reduce erosion and sediment transport from the construction site. The Academy is essentially a small city with supporting infrastructure that includes storm water drains. Regulating the discharge of non-storm water into the storm sewer system is the intent of the Municipal Separate Sanitary Sewer System (MS4) general permit. Many of the Academy's residential and commercial activities have the potential to contribute pollutants to the Academy storm sewer system. If not immediately remediated, chemical spills contribute pollutants to the environment by rain and snowmelt runoff into the Academy's storm sewer system.

2012 Split Storm Water Article

Environmental Management Key Personnel

Environmental Flight Chief (719) 333-6716
Government Contract Installation Manager (719) 333-6716
Asbestos, Lead-based Paint, PCBs (719) 333-5826
Cultural Resources (719) 333-7341
Environmental Planning (719) 333-6716
Environmental Restoration (719) 333-1426
HAZMAT Pharmacy (719) 333-3223
Fuel Tank (719) 333-5826
Hazardous Waste (719) 333-3852
Accumulation Site (719) 333-3852
Natural Resources (719) 333-3308
Air Quality (719) 333-5826
Water Quality (719) 333-1426
24 hour Spill Response (911)


Contact Us

10th Civil Engineer Squadron
8120 Edgerton Drive Suite 40
U.S. Air Force Academy, CO 80840

Phone: (719) 333-2660
Fax: (719) 333-0475